Customize your ride
Your ride is more than just a way to get from here to there, and you want the best when it comes to performance and customization.
We recognize this need, and are proud to claim the largest selection of colors for high-performance ceramic coatings in the industry! Here at Jet-Hot, we believe you should never settle for less.
Our two most popular choices are Classic Polish* and Satin Black, however, we have many more colors (listed below).
*Classic Polish is a ceramic-metallic coating whereas all other colors are a pure ceramic top coat, most often applied on top of a ceramic-metallic base coat for superior corrosion protection. Classic Polish and Satin Silver finish are not color options for Off-Road (2000) or Ultra Extreme Heat (2500) coatings.
If you are running power adders, such as Nitrous, Turbos, Superchargers, Blowers,and/or 85 HP per liter of displacement, we would suggest you upgrade to our higher temperature coatings as our 1300 series coating is not warrantied against overtemp damage.
Extreme 1300 Finishes
(only available in Extreme 1300, not a color topcoat)
(Colors with * will have a 30 business day turn around time)

Limited Edition Color Topcoats
(Colors with * will have a 30 business day turn around time)

Due to coating textures and type of materials, these colors are for demonstration purposes only, which may not represent an exact finish match. Prices and turn around times vary based on color class and coating.
For chromed or ceramic coated parts there will be an additional removal fee and 3 days of processing time.